By The Flying Pinto

I’ve been going through my old photo’s lately, and I came across this fond memory…I’m sure this is not my husband’s fave….but anyway, this was from a trip to Rome I took with my cousin Michele. As two young women traveling alone, we got more male attention than we knew what to do with. These guys here approached us just to ask if I would take my picture with them! They barely spoke English…and our Italian, Fuged aboud it: ) I’m pretty sure they don’t have sexual discrimination laws in Italy. When I used to fly Internationally my crew would deplane onto the tarmac and the airport workers would literally stop working and watch us go by…..kind of fun, well for a while anyway. So, my point is this, if you are a single woman and you need an ego boost go to Italy with your girlfriends, the the food and wine aren’t half bad either!


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