By The Flying Pinto

  1. Don’t ring the FA call button unless it’s an emergency…really.
  2. Don’t ask to put YOUR suitcase in the 2’x5′ closet….what if 150 people asked the same question?
  3. When you ask for coffee, tell us how you like it. (Note to my people in the North East, “regular” just means “not decaf” in the rest of the country.)
  4. Leave your shoes, and socks on….for the entire flight.
  5. Don’t use the tray table as a, foot stool, head rest, coloring book, diaper changing station, or my favorite for clipping your toe, or finger nails……I have seen all of these more than you’d like to know.
  6. Turn your electronic devices off when you are supposed to. Don’t say, “I AM!” in a very rude tone, when I tell you your device needs to be off and it’s already 10 minutes after the door closed.This is the tactic of a five year old: )
  7. If it is bothering you that the passenger’s seat in front of you is back, ask them politely to sit up, and accept their answer either way, they have the right to have their seat back. Don’t ring your call light and expect me to read your lips and ask them for you…..be a grown up.
  8. Speaking of acting like a grown up, don’t tattle tale on people if their seat is back during taxi, or their i-pod is on….we’ll catch it, and if we don’t? Well, it’s not your job…relax.
  9. Don’t get on an airplane and expect to find, diapers, vegetarian meals, kosher meals, any meals for that matter, personal bottles of water, playing cards, babysitters, crayons, toys, gum, mellow yellow, or Tab……all things that have been requested on my flights.
  10. Last, but not least, don’t wait until every other passenger is off the plane to stand up and start collecting your belongings, especially when it is late. Sometimes we have as little as 8 hours before we need to be back on the aircraft.

Oh, and have a pleasant flight; )



  1. Oops! I’m guilty of taking my shoes off. I’m prone to blood clots and extreme foot swelling in flight, so I take off my shoes to continually stretch my feet. But I ALWAYS keep my socks on.

    My daughter is obsessed with the FA call button. She thinks it is magic…but I have to beg her to not push it. FA’s are always so sweet to her, she probably thinks its the way to get lavished with attention.

  2. Sky High Boy @ 2009-02-20 12:57

    lol this is classic! I love it!!

  3. The Flying Pinto @ 2009-02-20 14:40

    Hi Nicole, Ok,my mistake, I should say you can take your shoes off at your seat….just don’t put your feet on the bulkhead wall should you sit there and definitely put them on before getting up and going to the bathroom, that’s why slip on shoes are a good choice for travel….remember men use the facilities too and it gets turbulent sometimes: ) As far as your daughter ringing the call button, sorry but HUGE, no,no!! Especially if you’re flying non-rev? The FA’s may have been nice to your face but they were cursing you back in the galley…sorry, but true: 0

  4. Okay, let me rephrase that last comment…you make it sound like I have no class and don’t understand the rules.

    My daughter IS obsessed with the FA call button, she has only pressed it once that I can recall(when I was choking and needed something to drink IMMEDIATELY)She thought that FA was an hero to respond so quickly, and she’s been obsessed ever since.

    Oh, and she wants to be an FA when she grows up.

  5. The Flying Pinto @ 2009-02-20 15:21

    Oh no! I would never suggest you don’t have class or understand the rules! I’m sorry if you took it that way…it “sounded” like your daughter rang it all the time….my mistake!!!! Really, I know you have class, I read your blog!!!! That’s cool that your daughter wants to be a FA, that’s a cute story: )

  6. Postcards and Coasters @ 2009-02-20 17:55

    OK… that was perfect! I couldn’t have written it better myself. Clipping the fingernails is a classic. I’ve seen that a few times. I’m always amazed. I hate it when people bring nail polish out!

  7. The Flying Pinto @ 2009-02-20 18:14

    YES, nail polish! Thanks, I forgot that one!!

  8. camerapilot @ 2009-02-21 05:18

    Hey FP,
    (Federal Aviation Regulations/Aeronautical Information Manual) Part 61 there is a regulation that states that an FA can “Head Butt”
    unruly passengers or is it “Eye Gouge? Maybe it’s both.I’ll call my brother the ATP with SW and get the skinny on that one.
    Take no prisoners.

  9. The Flying Pinto @ 2009-02-22 05:36

    Camerapilot, You’re funny….let me know what your brother says: )

  10. camerapilot @ 2009-02-22 16:00

    Roger, Foxtrot Papa. Seven Charlie Papa, good day!

  11. camerapilot @ 2009-02-22 16:50

    My brother says “yes, go for it”.