By The Flying Pinto

Ok, I know you’ve all been dying to know where the photo from my post last Tuesday is from, well if the title to this post didn’t give it away, it’s Plymouth Rock. Yes, the famous rock. Here is a picture of the Mayflower II, just a few short steps from the rock. I have to say I got a kick out of Heather’s guess, “Clearly it is one of the worlds fanciest bridges to cross what looks like a stream…Is it north or south of the mason dixon line?”

So, here we are in Plymouth, my hometown, visiting for the week. I’ll be posting soon to fill you in on our trip.



  1. Postcards and Coasters @ 2009-02-04 21:22

    I was guessing it was somewhere in Texas or the South. Wow… I’ve been to Plymouth rock and I don’t remember seeing that. I guess I must have been focused on the rock instead.

    I used to fly for Continental. Great Airline. Like your blog!

  2. theCusack-O'Hearns @ 2009-02-04 22:53

    I was going to “guess”, but didn’t think that would be very fair. 😉