camerapilot said…
Oh when times were more innocent……
We have a composer friend who many years ago found fortune and fame doing music for the Gospel Circuit. This turned his schedule upside down,in a day he might have to board a plane as many times as you do and on occasion he would be late for his flight but he found a way to counter this (mind you this was way before 911) he would drive his Cadillac onto the tarmac, leave it and run onto the plane! The car would be towed and on his return he would retrieve it from the impound yard.
Camera Pilot, That is such a great story. I know what you mean, it is too bad that those days are gone. I think 911 sealed the deal with ever being able to pull anything like that off again. You reminded me of one of my experiences….when I was flying out of Boston to Houston back in 1993 for an interview with the airline I now work for, I got to the airport and realized I forgot my driver’s license! I didn’t have any ID on me! Well, this was my final interview and I knew if I didn’t make it on that flight, my chances of getting hired were over! It is amazing what you can do when you set your mind to something. I was getting on that plane, whatever it took! Well, I approached a woman who worked for the airline and that was a mistake.She was not interested in helping me, the claws came out: )
I looked around for someone else, and I found a guy this time and I laid it on thick. When your 23 and dressed up for a FA interview, getting your way with a guy is pretty easy! I know, I know, I didn’t say it was right but I had to get on that flight! Anyway, he felt sorry for me and luckily he was in charge so I made it to Houston! Now getting back from Houston was another story. It was actually a little easier, I told my interviewer that my purse was stolen. Problem solved. Here I am 16 years later: )
Oooooh Oooooooooh!!!!:(
Just remember FP “The apple doesn’t fall far the the tree.”
It also doesn’t fall far FROM the tree either…..
CP…exactly true…you’ve got my Mom figured out;-)
You were so lucky! In these times it is tough enough to go through even with ID 🙂