My question today… “How did you feel the call to be a FA?” “Have you ever thought about changing jobs?” “Will you still love to be a FA in the future?”
Yikes! That’s three questions: )
- How did you feel the call to be a FA? The “glamour” called of course: ) No, seriously, there really wasn’t a calling to be a FA….the calling was “what am I going to do with my life?” I was 23 and hadn’t finished college, was trying my hand at real estate, which I probably would’ve liked but lacked the self confidence at 23 that you need for sales. So, I asked myself that question….”what am I going to do?” and I thought, “hmmm, I could be a Flight Attendant!” This was on a Wednesday, I mentioned it to my Mom and my boyfriend at the time. I then looked in the Sunday paper for job postings, and there it was! A major airline was hiring! I went to the first interview on Tuesday (the cattle call) and was invited back for a second interview on Wednesday and was invited to training that day! Exactly one week from when I decided to become a FA! I know it usually doesn’t happen that fast but I lucked out and I fell in love with the lifestyle!
- “Have you ever thought about changing jobs?” Changing jobs? No. Doing something else along with being a FA? All the time. I’m entrepreneurial and always have ideas in my head. That’s one of the best things about my job, I can fly as little or as much as I want to. I can take leaves of absence and come back as if I never left. I can even use my flight benefits while on leave. It’s a great career if you love freedom and flexibility.
- “Will you still love to be a FA in the future?” You can probably figure out my answer to this question, yes! That’s why we have so many Senior FAs, there’s no reason to quit. The flexibility is unbelievable and it only gets better the more senior you get. The job is not for everyone… either love it or hate it….if it’s not for someone they’ll usually quit within the first year. If they haven’t quit by then? Their usually in it for the long hall.
post pic from: “A View From the Top“
That’s an interesting story ! Sounds like you found the perfect job for you then and now.
Now, tell us… Your most embarrasining moment as a FA? (at least the one that you will admit publicly!).
And to even things out… your most brillian moment as a FA?
The “A View From the Top” picture gave me an idea for a question.
What’s the training like? I’ve heard it’s pretty intense, and they “cut” people like crazy. Kinda like a reality show! 😉
So…what’s it like?
Wooo…yes, let’s hear about your six weeks of hell at “Barbie” FA training! Not easy for those holding their breath at home either…our phone bill during training was $500 plus! Too bad no cell phones then.
yeah, let’s hear about it !!
Ok, I’m going with Qzack girls question next week, mainly because it’s much easier than Alberts:) I’ll have to give Alberts some thought!