Is anyone curious? I actually extended this contest a week not only because nobody guessed the right answer but I only got two guesses, on my second “give-away.” I know your out there, don’t be shy! You could have had a t-shirt with free advertising….for me: )
So, where did I come up with The Flying Pinto? Albert guessed:
“I would say that you or your parents at some point had a Ford Pinto and somehow you drove it until it was flying through the roads
Nope…we did have a Ford Pinto when I was a kid, but that’s not the reason. Good guess though!
Postcards and Coasters had a few funny guesses:
“Did you own a Ford Pinto?” ” Did you pack all your friends in it when you were a teenager?”
“Or do planes remind you of a Pinto Bean?” “Or is it because flying makes people gassy and Pinto Beans give you gas?”
Last guess is true but nope! It’s actually quite simple……it’s my maiden name. So, there you have it, clever huh? It’s funny how all of a sudden it seems I am seeing my name everywhere….the restaurant in the picture is opening up at Houston Intercontinental Airport, the actress Freida Pinto, and how about that flying car?? I still think that is really….really funny stuff!
Thank you Albert and PC for submitting your guesses….e-mail your t-shirt sizes…..your both getting a Flying Pinto t-shirt for your clever answers and participation!
I’ll keep an eye for any other Pinto out there in the world!
That’s a good prize. I wish I could have entered.
I guess already knowing the answer would have given me an unfair advantage!
I love blog giveaways!
I would have never guessed the right answer.
You know, I guess it was your name. Only because I know a woman whose maiden name is Pinto.
Danie: Where is your friend from? I’m from MA. I see you’re from SF, my two good friends from HS are in your area.
If I had seen this contest know I would have guessed it right the first time!!