By The Flying Pinto

Click “here” to check out my radio interview with “The Trip Chicks.” Host Ann Lombardi asked some great questions about my job as a Flight Attendant. The show, based in Atlanta, is an hour long, and there are two interviews before mine. My interview is the last half hour if you want to fast forward.

A big thanks to Ann and also to Blondie at, “My view from 30000 feet,” for passing my my name along!



  1. that is so exciting!!!

  2. Yay you! Between the radio interviews and the writing in the magazine, this is going to be your second career!! After all, you need to do something in your days off, right 😉

    I can’t wait to hear it. I will have to wait until I get back home because the connection here is not that great… Congrats !!!

  3. Postcards and Coasters @ 2009-05-26 23:21

    That was a great interview. Congrats!

    That’s nice that you don’t have minimum’s anymore. We also don’t and its great! Makes for a flexible job!

  4. Joanna Jenkins @ 2009-05-27 04:10

    Woo-hoo! Congratulations