By The Flying Pinto

Albert asks:

“So… tell us about the most bizarre or weird requests that you have gotten from our fellow passengers in flight.”

Ok, I know I have had some strange posts/stories this past week (i.e., gum graffiti, nose picking, and my strangest experience as a FA…it’s in my radio interview) and this post will not disappoint. The absolute most bizarre and most disgusting request I have gotten was to clean up a couple’s nail clippings, finger and toe! The couple was sitting next to the galley, so this request came after painfully listening to the husband clip his finger and toe nails and then proceeding to clip his wifes. All the while making a nice little collection on the tray table…yes, the very same one you all eat and drink off of. I don’t think I need to tell you that I did not honor that request and I am pretty sure my feelings were written all over my face.

So, what did they do with their nail clippings? I advised them to use the air sick bag, which I think they did but will never know because I walked away as fast as I could and I didn’t look back!

I could tell you so many more stories but I think I will leave you with that…keep the questions coming.

(photo courtesy of tourettesradiostream at flickr.com)



  1. PureMothers @ 2009-05-27 07:14

    That is so disgusting. What happened to civilization? They sound like cave people!

  2. QzakGirl @ 2009-05-27 12:24

    ummm…what is wrong with people?!

  3. Hm… Oddly enough, the only question I’m wondering is to which city were you flying. Disgusting!

  4. Joanna Jenkins @ 2009-05-27 15:28

    I had a “B-movie star” client who would come into our office to get ad campaigns designed for her upcoming movies. She’d clip her toe nails on the designer’s desk then call her psychic to ask if the ad campaign sounded like a good one. If only we’d had air sick bags because she was as gross as your passengers! Oy. What are people thinking.

  5. BlkAv8tor2003 @ 2009-05-27 15:50

    A famous tennis star who always thought he should get his way while throwing a fit was on one of my flights and sat in first next to my wife. After getting situated he asked me the lead flight attendant, to let him sleep and he would eat breakfast later in the flight. I asked him for his order and he said “whatever is fine.” Pretty straight forward I thought, so we proceeded through our duties before and after take-off and I made the announcement that I was playing a preview of the movie, cost of headsets and when the movie would start. Said tennis star was now awake for this and watched the preview. Then back to sleep he went. 45 mins after the movie he (tennis star) woke up, ready to eat and then he said “is this the movie?” I said yes, he then wanted and demanded that I start the movie over so he could watch from the beginning! I knew he was crazy if he thought I was going to stop and restart the movie even though he said he was going to sleep through it. He didn’t get his way, I was very nice with explanation of why and he had a fit. Police assistance with his fit was offered and he eventually declined and calmed down. The story does go on from there but I won’t take up space for your other readers!

    Keep the blue side up!!!


  6. GAG. GAG. GAG. my husband’s grandma whipped her nail clippers our in our apt in rexburg, idaho a few years back and started clipping. she let those clippings fall right onto the floor. after doing all ten fingers she folded up her clippers and tucked them away in her purse. we left for a graduation shortly after. when we returned i begged my husband to let me set fire to the carpet….the vaccuum cleaner had to do…i still get naseuated over the ordeal…i’m sure you will every time you think of it now. WHY WHY WHY do people think this is okay in public???

  7. Ok. You win. I was once on the tube in London with a man who clipped his toenails, but this is just disgusting.

    Thanks for sharing :)! Keep those letters coming folks!

  8. The Flyer @ 2009-05-27 21:09

    Cool blog! really liked it…definitely into my list of favorites! Keep it up!

    Cheers from Doha!

  9. camerapilot @ 2009-05-27 22:37

    Time for TSA to take away the nail clippers.
    Too bad you couldn’t have given that “Clipping Couple” a Hazmat bag.

  10. Wow, really, really disgusting! Once I shared an office with a senior engineer who used a cutter for cutting electrical wires to clip his fingernails. More than the pieces of fingernail clippings that flew through the office, the worse part was the noise that the instrument he used was doing. On the positive side, he only did his fingernails and let his toenails alone 🙂

    I don’t want to take over the Wednedsday question part of your blog, so I will keep my mouth (fingers?) closed… before my next question/complaint 🙂

  11. AviatonCrazy @ 2009-05-28 02:51

    You FAs really have to go through a lot..Patience must be one of your biggest strengths!

  12. Melissa Marie @ 2009-05-29 20:54

    hahaha that is SO disgusting. Where do these people come from? How do they even think that is acceptable?

  13. where'veyoubeen @ 2009-05-31 01:33

    Ok I was totally going to comment on how thankful I was to not have this happen yet until today. As I collect trash through the cabin, there this girl sit clipping away… She continued even after I took the cup off her tray and stood there watching her. So weird! Who really acts like this?

  14. The Flying Pinto @ 2009-06-01 22:30

    Wow! I had know idea I’d get such a big response with this post…hahahah…gross and funny! Scott: no idea where, too long ago!

    JJ,BA,EM,LL,AL, and WHB:
    thanks for sharing all your great stories!! Who would have thought there would be that many???

    Flyer: Thank you!!!