By The Flying Pinto

I’m starting a new post series! I get a lot of questions about when, how, and why I started flying and since I kept journals for most of my life, I thought I would share excerpts from the beginning of my career. Each week I will add a few more entries and take you through my flight attendant training and beyond.

I’m starting with my journal entry from 2/3/93. I was twenty three at the time and clueless about what I wanted to do with my life. I didn’t finish college, I had worked as a tour guide in Boston, driving sightseeing trolleys, and had my real estate license. Nothing was fueling me…I needed to find my passion in life. I was also, in a three year relationship with Tim and neither of us was ready for marriage…it was time to move on and I needed an excuse!

(the post pic is the original ad I answered from the Sunday Boston Globe…my mom doctored it up and superimposed my face into the ad)

February 3, 1993

Tim and I picked up my mom on the way down to the Cape today. I’ve been thinking about how I need to do something different with my life. I don’t want to go back to school, I’m not really into this real estate thing anymore, rentals were fun and great money last summer but I can’t seem to get into sales. We had a nice day, drove down Rte 6A had lunch, stopped in a few stores along the way. As we drove back I decided to let my mom and Tim in on my thoughts, I told them I am thinking about becoming a flight Attendant. I don’t think they took me too seriously, the conversation quickly turned back to something else. I think it would be a good job for me, at least for a few years. I’ll get the paper this Sunday and see if any of the airlines are hiring. Tim told me not to get too excited about it, because even if an airline was hiring, people try for years to get on with an airline,it’s not just something you “decide” to do. I understand what he is saying but it can’t hurt to try. I have to do something. Things with us are going no where fast, it’s not like I want to get married, but he doesn’t even want to think about it as a possibility someday. I have to figure out what to do with my life!

February 7, 1993

I got the paper today, and there is an open house for “dream job airline!!” It’s on Tuesday at 8:30am and 1pm! I’m going to the 8:30!! I have to wear business attire. I can’t believe they are hiring! I can’t wait. I told Tim, he’s excited for me. This is great, I can be a flight attendant and live on the Cape! February 8, 1993 I’m ready for tomorrow, a complete nervous wreck but ready. I have no idea what to expect. I wish I had someone to go with.

February 9, 1993

I can’t believe it!! I have a second interview tomorrow, actually a third. Today, I got there at 7:40am and there were so many people there, at least 200! I almost left, they all looked like they knew what they were doing and I felt so alone. Two attractive women who turned out to be flight attendants, opened the doors at 8:30m sharp and invited us into the room. We all sat down and listened as they told us about the job (sounds crazy exciting) and what it is like to be a flight attendant.They said if we weren’t willing to move, this was not the job for us. Everything they told us was great!! The flight benefits, traveling, meeting new people! I want this! Then came the scary part! We had to stand up in front of all those people and tell everyone who we are and then tell everyone about a customer service experience we are proud of. I almost left again, but I would have been more embarrassed getting up and walking out. When my turn came, I figured I could do it, I mean after all I gave tours of Boston to 35 people at a time for 3 years, I could do this! Wow, when I stood up and faced the crowd of about 200 people, I almost died! It is very different than talking to 35 people! I know I turned 100 shades of red and stumbled over my words. When I was done I wanted to ask them if I could come back at 1pm and try again because it was so bad. Now that I knew what to expect, I could do it! Only I didn’t have to!!!! After everyone spoke they had us fill out self addressed envelopes, they told us this was how they would let us know whether of not we were hired. On the way out of the room we handed our envelopes to one of the flight attendants, well when I handed her mine, she told me she had a question about my address, would I please stand to the side for a moment. Five of us were asked to stay, and it wasn’t for a question about our address, but they didn’t say much to us. We were brought upstairs to another set of rooms and asked to sit in the hallway. After about ten minutes we went in a room and took a test. I think it was some kind of psychological test because it was repetitive and was asking questions about stealing from previous jobs etc. After we took the test we waited in the hallway again…it seemed like forever! Finally, three of us were asked to follow to another room. I have no idea where the other two went. We each had a one on one interview with one of four flight attendants there. And, guess what??? I am going back tomorrow for another interview! I have a feeling, no I know I am going to be a flight attendant. Again, Tim told me not to get too excited and his sister said the same thing. I guess she tried to get hired years back and didn’t have any luck. It doesn’t matter, I just know! For some reason I know!!

February 10, 1993

Exactly one week from when I decided that maybe I should be a flight attendant…I am invited to flight attendant training!! (I found out your not officially a flight attendant until you graduate from training.) My last interview was intense, I had two flight attendants interview me at the same time! So, nerve racking. I smiled the entire time, my mouth hurt from smiling so much. I met up with Tim at the Boston public library, I think he is more excited for me than I am, (I think) and I’m excited! We drove down to Plymouth to tell my mom, she is even more excited than both me and Tim together if that is possible. She told me it’s like she just won the lottery, meaning she is already planning her trips with her free flights. All she could talk about was all the places she wanted to go! I still can’t believe it, I can’t sleep, I leave for training in three weeks, and I have a ton of things to do before I go!

*Note to younger self: You’ll soon find out that although things come easily for you…the hard part usually follows, as in this case: stay tuned for Barbie Boot Camp!



  1. It's amazing how similar my experienes were with both airlines I worked for. I guess they have the process down. And boy, do I wish we could have interjected that "note to younger self" in journal entries back in the day! My journal would have been FULL of italics!
    I can't wait for the next step…Barbie Boot Camp!

  2. Traytable @ 2009-08-09 02:27

    Wow, this sure brings back the memories! haha even though my experience was not so long ago… Interesting that it's still nerve-wracking no matter which airline you are going for…

  3. FreeFlyingMom @ 2009-08-09 03:53

    I won the lottery the day you were born! Your flight benefits…a bonus!

  4. Pure Mothers @ 2009-08-09 18:42

    How great! I love the journal entires as a series on your blog! I remember those trolley driving days too. I just got back from backpacking in Australia and decided to go to massage school while you went to flight attendant school. Ah…the memories of youth. I wonder what Tim is up to these days?

  5. I love this part of your blog! keep them coming 🙂

  6. So sweet! I love all the exclamation points! That we all used when we were 23!!!

    Seriously, this took me back to that time in my life, and although I was actually using ionizing radiation on patients (radiologic technologist) – still, it was really exciting.

    Keep the journal entries coming – love it.

  7. lisleman @ 2009-08-10 19:49

    flying pinto – it's exciting starting off on an adventure like that. I remember going into the Air Force and then later going into Officer training – exciting and scary at the same time.

    somewhat different thought – I assume you might have traveled through DEN a few times. Ever notice anything odd? I just came across some conspiracy nuts that believe something is hidden below it. I plan on posting about it soon and if you have any stories to share let me know.

  8. I've only been flying for two years so this brings back memories of the hiring process & "barbie boot camp" training to come. I too never expected to become an FA but I was unfullfilled with my career & now I would never go back to 9-5.Great blog!

  9. Joanna Jenkins @ 2009-08-11 18:05

    What a great post idea!!! Thank you.
    MORE PLEASE!!! xoxo