More Notes

By The Flying Pinto

Another red eye, soon it will be dark and smell of fart and bad breath.

24b throws her credit card in the trash by mistake, luckily the man next to her sticks his hand in after it because not sure I would have.

As I walk through the cabin, 27c trying to be helpful, picks up a strand of what appears to be toilet paper off the floor, and tries to hand it to me. Assuming it was dragged from the lav on someones shoe, I respectfully decline.

I see not one but two CD players on the flight, ya know the big circle ones. Haven’t seen those in years. Also, see several i-pads…seems like the perfect electronic for a flight.

Actual conversation during beverage service:

me: Hi, can I get you something to drink?

pax: what?

me: can I get you something to drink? Now miming it out since they still haven’t taken off their headphones.

pax: WHAT?

me: just look and smile

pax: finally takes off head set

me: something to drink?

pax: lemon ade

me: sorry, no lemonade

pax: pineapple juice

me: the juices we have are…apple, tomato, orange, and cranberry

pax: ummmm…dr. pepper

me: mr. pibb ok?

pax: ahhhhh…mellow yellow?

me: no

pax: Tab?

me: Ok, now I know your messing with me. coke, diet coke, sprite, gingerale, seltzer, water or juice

pax: any pepsi?

me: the look

pax: ok..ok…gimme a coke

*Can anyone tell me what’s wrong in the photo above?



  1. That big ol' suitcase that doesn't fit?

  2. The suit case pretending to be a carry on that should have been in the belly. Make you think Spirit Air had a good point.

  3. Mark Lawrence @ 2010-05-02 12:14

    Dang – what a nice size carry-on! I could travel for a week with that!!!

  4. Christina B @ 2010-05-02 13:42

    The suitcase is the first thing that I noticed however, tears pouring from my eyes are from the post itself.

    Have you read the one about the morons on the flight from Dairy Air 37k ft?

    You have both summed it up! LMAO

  5. LOL headed to the NYC area I presume? 😛 Brad is right we both seem to find the crazies!

  6. Tony Dominguez @ 2010-05-02 19:12

    But that big ol' bag is a LV!! Those CAN'T be checked! They need air conditioning!! HA!

  7. yeah, but do you have champagne? 😉

  8. I hate it when they have their earphones on and then scream out really loud WHAT??? like they're the only one in the cabin..

  9. lisleman @ 2010-05-03 19:38

    during beverage service no less
    so people are just clueless – what did he think you were asking about with a drink cart in the aisle?

  10. something's wrong? that's how my carryons always look. and I like to insist that the bin is gonna close and slam it 6 times before finally turning my LV bag around. I'm awesome.

  11. That suitcase is wrong in sooo many ways… is it my imagination or is the handle broken too?

    I love it when people leave suitcases half out in overhead and expect us to figure out how to squeeze what they can't in…

    As for service… I'm always amazed at how SURPRISED people are when I'm talking to them.. standing NEXT to my service cart… 'huh? what?"



    I always just want to walk away… with a 'forget it.. if you wanted it, you'd be ready AFTER my announcement and my asking thrice…"

    Chin up!

  12. Jet Set Betty @ 2010-05-04 05:15

    For one, the swap meet louie suitcase. For two, the big ol' customer of size arm, get your extension ready…. For three, are those overalls?

    Egads! I like to just stare blankly at them after I've asked. Never blink. Pen cocked. At.the.ready. If that fails, then I ask if they would like chicken or fish… oh confusion strikes! The flight is only 32 minutes long, what could she mean? I thought they only served peanuts. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  13. Traytable @ 2010-05-04 09:02

    We think alike, I snapped a pic just like that for a post the other day!!!

  14. Oy vey! There's no flight attendant magic to make that "carry on" fit in the overhead.

  15. camerapilot @ 2010-05-05 00:01

    A visible badbreathfartcloud hovering above pax heads?
    That's hilarious FP. I like the mime stunt, ha!

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  17. San Antonio Hotel @ 2010-05-05 07:41

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  18. Counterpoint Chorale @ 2010-05-05 11:45

    Another great blog post. Oh, and watch out for that "carry-on" bag!

  19. Dude Diligence @ 2010-05-06 04:01

    Looks like a flight to a bald guy convention.

  20. Joanna Jenkins @ 2010-05-06 04:36

    This post is hysterical. I do not knowhow you do this job and keep your sanity 🙂 I've have strangled a passenger or two or ten by now.

    And how did that suitcase get on the plane in the first place. Jees-sus. That's big!


  21. That is Hilarius! What an awful bunch we passengers are eh! 🙂

    btw, I love the idea that most of the people leaving comments are airline insiders whose trained eyes instantly went to the bag–though it wasn't hard to miss.

  22. you got to check out this new cell phone clip for traveling

    go to

    i was on the plane the other day and noticed 2 guys watching movies on their phones, hands free,while there phone were braced to the seat in front of them, attached to the tray…

    its Amazing!!

  23. you got to check out this new cell phone clip for traveling

    go to

    i was on the plane the other day and noticed 2 guys watching movies on their phones, hands free,while there phone were braced to the seat in front of them, attached to the tray…

    its Amazing!!

  24. Incredible, posts like this make me want to become a flight attendant simply so I can blog about all the fools I meet on board.

    I can't even start to name what is wrong with that photo…so many things!

  25. Nakamuras on Saipan @ 2010-07-08 03:02

    God Bless all of you flight-attendants-I would not last in that job for a week-a passenger would piss me off and that would be the end of it…keep up your great work-I fly international often and really appreciate all the work you do.

  26. Nakamuras on Saipan @ 2010-07-08 03:03

    p.s.-placed a link to you on my blog

  27. I’m sure this is an old joke and an old post but I’m hoping FP reads it –

    Lady at checkout is arguing with FA about stuffing her (clearly huge) suitcase into the overhead bin. FA is trying to be polite and explain it won’t fit. She keeps insisting it will. She finally points out – but it has wheels! Exasperated, FA retorts back – Ma’am, so does my Honda but I don’t try to fit THAT into the overhead bin!

    Love your blog – catching up on the past few months/years of entries …

  28. Sorry – edit – lady while boarding