By The Flying Pinto

Listen up my fellow airline employees, this is for real. Call it a volunteer vacation but all you have to pay for is your airfare to Madrid. (Ok, that could be the tricky part flying stand by….) This is also a great deal for anyone who is backpacking or traveling around the world and has planned a stop in Spain. Not only can you stay for free but who knows the connections you’ll make while there. People come from all over the world for this program. If you want to stay longer there are actually teaching jobs available.

Here’s the deal, you agree to speak English and only English to Native Spaniards working on their fluency in English for six days and in exchange this guy, Richard Vaughan picks up your entire tab, room and board.The program runs Sunday through Friday evening and even starts with a welcome Tapas on Saturday afternoon. You stay in one of two scenic towns just a couple hours outside of Madrid. Your days are filled with conversation while enjoying everyday activities like nature walks, and even Siesta: ) Evenings are filled with entertainment; music, theater, jokes, stories, presentations, and Karaoke. I came across this information on a very informative site called,

If you want to learn more about this great opportunity and the man behind it go to There are several dates in 2009 still available. Although, a warning to my non-revs, I don’t think he offers bump protection;-) (inside joke)



  1. Postcards and Coasters @ 2009-03-13 05:50

    Wow! Sign me up. I love Spain! Just a long flight across the pond.

  2. Free Flying Mom... @ 2009-03-13 18:04

    My bags are packed!!! Well, there always packed, but this is really a great thing…have to check when the best time to fly non-rev! Very exciting! Thanks, Zipper!