By The Flying Pinto

I came across this post yesterday, “Fear of Flying and it’s Cure”. It is a funny, well written post that I thought I would share with you. Here is an excerpt from it:

But here’s the weird thing – I’m afraid to fly. No, REALLY. Just ask my wife who threatened to divorce me on a flight to Costa Rica. I had my head buried in her lap with a blanket over my head. I think I squeezed her so hard it has led to fibromyalgia. I made inhuman noises every time the plane bumped. I asked that they give me an entire bottom of wine in an IV drip. White knuckle does not begin to describe that flight.

And then about five years ago…I found the cure: International First Class.

I was hired to help write something in London and the company I was working with gave me a first class ticket.
Turns out I wasn’t so much afraid to fly…I just had never flown correctly. International First Class is dandy. It is ridiculously expensive. You could buy a small Armenian Village for as much. But when someone else is paying it is the only way to go.
Having spent most of my flying life in 33c, I never knew what 2a was doing. Turns out they were having a lovely party.
Check it out at: froynlaven.blogspot.com
post pic courtesy of: What makes the pie shops tick

1 comment

  1. That is cute