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Why is it difficult to get a good cup of tea on an airplane? I might get in trouble here from my colleagues but, most flight attendants do not serve good tea. It's one of those things low on Read More...
I felt like a super star when I gave my best time saving travel tips for the October edition of O Magazine! It's funny when you talk to an editor for an hour and you envision them writing ev Read More...
A great perk of my of my job is bringing my family with me on trips sometimes. On a recent trip to Seattle my mom and my daughter Lucy were able to meet up with me. Here are a few photos fro Read More...

Making the Most of Australia with Limited Time

As you fly into any of Australia's major airports, you may have grand plans of seeing the whole country from its outback deserts to its coral reefs in a matter of days. It's easy to forget j Read More...
1. You can eat a four course meal standing at the kitchen counter 2. You search for a button to flush the toilet 3. You look for the “crew line” at the grocery store. 4. You can pac Read More...

Fly to the Moon with your Kids

Or take them to Paris without getting on an airplane! The This Is series by Czech artist, illustrator and author M. Sasek are my favorite travel books for children. I've been collecting them Read More...
Seems there is still glamour for some Flight Attendants! Virgin Atlantic hooked up with Bare Minerals to produce Upper Class Red Lipstick that will match the uniform of their cabin crew. Tea Read More...
Souvenirs don't need to be expensive or even store bought at all! Check out this photo I took in Seattle at the famous "gum wall" I didn't notice at the time that it said, "I love you Ryan" Read More...
When traveling across two or more time zones you become prone to jet lag. Though there is no quick fix for jet lag, here a few tips to get you through: Be in the best shape you can Read More...

Machu Picchu

Guest post by reader Sylwia Stypulkowski: Ever hold back on something you wanted because you questioned whether the time was right or if you should really be spending money on yourself li Read More...