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With the recent flutter of activity and airlines finally doing some hiring my friend Elyse, Ms. Foodie International has decided to offer up some reasons why she'd make a great stew.  A Read More...

Are You Coachy or First Classy?

<param name="FlashVars" value="domain= cialis frankreich. 76: Clip - Larry on… First Class&copyShareURL=http%3A// Read More...
Before you read this post you have to take a minute and read Christopher Elliott's post, "Do Flight Attendants Really Hate Us?" So go on...and then come back please. When exactly di Read More...
I made my way down the aisle, sick bag in hand, open, holding it in the air, catching the wind as I walked. Half way a passenger stopped me to ask “what are you doing?” I gave him the � Read More...
I wrote a few weeks back about how to answer the question, "why do you want to be a flight attendant?" Since then I have gotten many emails asking for more information on getting hired a Read More...
A  flight attendant career is glamorous! Or so I thought! I admit, I signed up for the glamour eighteen years ago, but I quickly learned that most of the glamor was gone from this ind Read More...
My inbox has been a flurry of activity lately with flight attendant hopefuls asking me about the flight attendant career. One of the most common requests I am getting is for a list of ai Read More...
Q: I would like to make a career change, and I've always wanted to be a flight attendant. The problem is I'm a nurse and I make $60,000. a year. I've heard that flight attendant salaries Read More...
Q: I don't understand why it's okay to read a regular book during take off and landing, but I have to turn off my Nook? A: This is a great question because I get to express how much I Read More...
In a previous post I shared twenty four hours in Chicago with you. What I didn't tell you about was the flight to Chicago and how a day off to enjoy the city was well deserved by all. Th Read More...